Our Area Service Committee

“The Tidewater Area Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous exists to provide the support necessary for groups of NA members to work together for their common good. GSR’s are the lifeline that binds the groups together in the performance of our primary purpose. In the spirit of the fellowship, we as individuals seek help from one another to deal with living situations; so, groups can find help from other groups in fulfilling their primary purpose of carrying the message of recovery to the addict who still suffers.

Everything that occurs in the course of NA Service must be motivated by the desire to more successfully carry the message of recovery to the addict who still suffers. We are not and should never be in competition with each other. We work separately and together for our common good. We have learned, painfully, that internal strife cripples our Fellowship; it prevents us from providing the service necessary for growth.

Placing our common welfare above individual interests, we work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Decisions are made based on the statement of a loving Higher Power as expressed in our Group Conscience. These principles are the ties that bind us together – as long as they remain stronger than those that would tear us apart, all will be well.”

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1877
Norfolk VA 23501

Area Service Committee (ASC) Meets: Second Sunday of the month @ 2:00pm at Norview United Methodist Church, 1112 Norview Ave, Norfolk, VA 23513 and via Zoom ID: 856 2023 6447, Passcode: 757252